08 August 2008

On the Street

Well, it's raining out...more like misting really. I've been busy trying to get things done at work today and I've also been trying to focus more on refreshing Craigslist to find myself a new home. September 1st!

However, since today is lucky 8.8.08, I did make sure to stop by the corner of 57th St. & Madison to get my lucky (I hope!) Chinese dollar. I'll make my way to Shanhai Tang after work to see if I'm a winner!

Later tonight, Opening Ceremony in NYC is kicking off their 72-hour long Olympic celebration with a "private" launch event from 7-10pm. I sent my rsvp in while I decide if I'll actually try to go or not. So, maybe I'll see you there: 8808NYC@openingceremony.us. I believe they'll be showing the opening ceremony of the Olympics as well as the games in the store this weekend, but I may just feel like watching from the comfort of my humble abode, especially if it's raining (I don't like wet, frizzy hair).

Anyway, I'm attempting to take snap some street photos if I see anyone interesting, so here are the two I have so far:

I'm not really sure if I could pull off dress girl's shoes. I mean, I suppose if you wear anything with enough confidence then you can pull it off, but sometimes I think my brain is so ingrained with what I think my own style is or should be, that I'm unsure about taking certain fashion risks. Anyway, I think they look cool on her. This photo doesn't give the best view of the front of her outfit, but the front her black dress kind of matches the shape of the front of her shoes, with just a narrow black strip going up to her neck/shoulders and the back being open.

Followed by the Doublemint twins, haha. At least that's what I refer to them as. I'm not a twin, but I've always thought it would be pretty cool. I mean, think of all the fun you could have messing with people, especially as a kid. Plus, maybe my non-existent twin and myself would have become the mini moguls that MK and Ashley have turned into. Clearly these girls, unlike MK and A have no problem being twins or sisters. Seriously though, do twins at their age actually dress alike...not even alike, EXACTLY THE SAME. At least they "styled" their hair differently.

Lastly, I extend a question to all of you who take street style photos. I've people many times who's style I quite liked and would loved to have taken their photo, but I guess I was a bit shy about approaching them. It's not that I haven't done so before, or gone up to someone just to ask where they bought something that I really liked. In fact, I went to school to study journalism, and I focused a lot on broadcast, so I've interviewed and videotaped plenty of people. After doing so, I even discovered that most people are flattered to be asked and love being on camera. This is even more true today with sites like YouTube giving everyone the opportunity to broadcast themselves to the world.

I think my problem then, is more how can I go about approaching them without having any real reason or explanation for photographing them? I don't want random strangers thinking I'm some creepy girl who likes to take photos of random strangers...for what? Yes, it would be for this blog, and yes, I could tell them that. I think I just feel weird about it because my blog doesn't have the recognition that others do. I have, probably a zero following. Hmm, I guess I just need to get over it. Suggestions? Tips? Anything?

Ciao for now!


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